If you are thinking of forming an LLC, or if you’re considering forming a limited liability business, and do business outside of the state, you will need to be a “foreign company” before money can change hands. This does not mean that the company is located outside of the country. This simply means that you do business in another state than the one where your file your llc online was formed.
This is a common requirement but you should not ignore it unless you are willing to pay heavy penalties and fines for failing to comply with this important requirement. A business may also have to pay back taxes for the time they were in business without qualifying.
The downside to not being qualified out of state is that the state’s court systems will not recognize your business if you have a legal problem. You have no legal standing and could lose your case in court simply for not being a registered entity.
Each state has its own LLC laws. This means that you will need to comply with different requirements depending on where you file. What does it mean to “do business”? It usually means that you have a satellite office in another country, have a bank account or accept orders from another state for your products and services. Each state is different so it’s important to check the qualifications of each one.
This is why states consider it so important to do business within their borders. It has a lot to do with revenue. If you are a foreign LLC, then you will be responsible for all taxes and fees in the states you do business in. Experts agree that it is better to pay taxes and fees than to leave your company vulnerable to the penalties and consequences of failing to file. These expenses are part of being successful.